Moonlit Musky Nights

Moonlit Musky Nights

As musky anglers, we can all agree that nothing beats the thrill of the adrenaline rush when a musky stops your bait cold, as it violently strikes and begins thrashing to begin the daunting battle that ensues. Now imagine, it is the middle of the night and the only thing around is the local loon that eerily calls in the dark and it is just you and the moon, that mother nature has provided you with to light the night sky. You are slowly retrieving your bait, as right next to the boat, out of nowhere, as you can see nothing but the dimly moonlit sky, white water breaks as the giant musky you have been hunting inhales the bait you are throwing. The giant fish seemingly breaks the surface and the silence of the night simultaneously. This may be the most exhilarating and chaotic event in all of sports. It may not always be the best to fish in the dark, but in some situations, it provides a tactical advantage to do so and that is when you will find me out on the hunt at night. I fish a…

J Josh Kreger
Late Summer and Early Fall in The Northwoods

Late Summer and Early Fall in The Northwoods

In the northwoods of Minnesota, late August usually marks the beginning of a unique movement that is made by muskies, which I refer to as the shallow water slide. Muskies utilize shallow water once the water temperatures fall below sixty degrees with nights dropping into the forties. We usually see muskies sliding shallow in late August every year with frequent visitations until turnover. Throughout this article I will concentrate on exposing key locations and tactics, which will result in contact with more fish during this incredible transition.

K Kevin Cochran