Andy Muntz talks castable flys! Join Join Gregg Thomas and Andy Muntz as they discuss his new lures and show exactly how he makes his hand tied flys. Muntz Angling - Genuine Anglineering www.battlethebeast.com

All things Helix with Jake Erickson Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Jake Erickson of Fish-Lectronics. He explains mounting the transducer, finding clean power and walking through the basic functions. www.thornebros.com www.battlethebeast.com

Ryan McMahon talks spinners. Join Gregg Thomas and Ryan McMahon as they talk about non conventional spinners! www.twincitiesmuskies.com www.battlethebeast.com

Gus Mantey talks Jerkbait fishing Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Gus Mantey about all kinds of different jerkbait styles. They also examine videos on patreon to show proper retrieves and presentations. Sign up for Patreon with more bonus footage and detailed information by clicking on the link below. Musky Road Rules Patr

Bryan Schaeffer Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Bryan Schaeffer about the 2024 season and what he had to do to be successful. Sign up for Patreon with more bonus footage and detailed information by clicking on the link below. Musky Road Rules Patreon www.llungenlures.com Schaeffer Outdoors Guide Service | Fac

Talk with Fins and Grins Lures and LLungen Lures Chicago Muskie Expo is here! Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Matt Gunkel of Llungen Lures along with Jason and Matthew Quintano of Fins and Grins Handmade Lures. Subcribe to our patreon to see the video and all we have to offer click the link below! Musky Road Rules Patreon www.battlethebeast.c

Musky Road Rules podcast enters a new era! Join Gregg Thomas as he introduces a new era in the podcast. He introsduces a patreon channel with extra benefits and great features for all who subscribe. On the this first episode he speaks with Greg Them and John Bette as they dicuss leader styles and choices, what goes into a crankbait, tuning

A talk with Chad Harmon of Ohio Muskie Guide Service Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Chad Harmon about the 2024 season of Ohio musky fishing. www.ohiomuskie.com www.ohiomuskyshow.com www.llungenlures.com www.battlethebeast.com

Minnesota Wrap up with Luke Ronnestrand Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with long time friend Luke Ronnestrand about the 2024 season in MN. www.battlethebeast.com www.thornebros.com www.stealthtackle.net

Fall fishing with Tucker Swanson, Jordan Stokes and Michael Hanson Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Tucker Swanson, Jordan Stokes and Michael Hanson. The Trio talks about reports from Lake Vermilion, Northwest Wisconsin and Metro Lakes. www.thornebros.com www.battlethebeast.com www.stealthtackle.net

Hans the Carver is back! Join Gregg as he speaks with Hans Mann from Hans's the Carver as they talk fishing Western New York's famous Buffalo Harbor, trolling tactics, and how to attack some of the biggest fish that swim in Lake Erie. www.llungenlures.com www.stealthtackle.net www.battlethebeast.com Red October Baits | La

North Dakota Muskies Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Kellen Latendresse a North Dakota guide shares stories of his experiences with ND muskies. www.thornebros.com www.llungenlures.com Home | Latendresse Guide Service

Fox Chain and Lake Geneva with Andrew Schiera Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Andrew Schiera on fishing, presentations and setups on these high pressured bodies of water! www.llungenlures.com www.battlethebeast.com Veteran Guide Service | VeteranGuideService

Interview with the 2024 PMTT Champions Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with 2024 PMTT Champions Ken Trail and Michael Handlogten. They talk Eagle River, tournaments leading up and how to approach a tournament. www.llungenlures.com www.battlethebeast.com https://www.facebook.com/redoctoberbait/

Jim Stella and Peter Blicharz Joing Gregg Thomas as he speaks with JIm Stella from the PMTT and Peter Blicharz of Three Lakes Wisconsin. The discuss the PMTT Championship, Eagle River fishing report and more stories from Gregg and Jim. www.bncustom.com www.llungenlures.com www.promusky.com www.battlethebeast.com
Thorne Bros deals and fishing with Chase Gibson Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Chase Gibson and Tucker Swanson. Chase gives us a western MN and Leech Lake update while Tucker lets us know what deals are happening at Thorne Brothers! www.llungenlures.com www.thornebros.com https://www.facebook.com/p/Gibsons-Guide-Service-100064020486560/

Todd Young talks fishing, gear and stocking Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Todd Young of https://www.mcfishnguides.com about summer fishing on Lake Chautauqua and other musky topics. www.llungenlures.com www.thornebros.com www.battlethebeast.com

PMTT Lake Minnetonka Winners talk tournament strategy Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Clayton Spiess and Nick Amorose. Also joined by Kyle Hunsader the maker of the Hunsy Tail which was used to win the tourny. www.thornebros.com www.llungenlures.com https://www.facebook.com/kyle.hunsaderkyle/

Northern Wisconsin Muskies with Gus Mantey and Minnetonka PMTT Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Gus Mantey of Northeast Wisconsin. They discuss summer fishing, tournaments and bait presentations. www.thornebros.com https://sugsfishing.com https://www.facebook.com/redoctoberbait/ www.llungenlures.com

Mat Hegy and River messed up the podcast Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Mat Hegy of Mat's Reel Repair of Eagle River Wisconsin. www.llungenlures.com www.battlethebeast.com https://matsreelrepair.com

Finally back....New equipment and new talk! Join Gregg Thomas as he finally gets back to the podcast with some new equipment. He is joined by Ryan McMahon and David Holmes talking summer muskies. www.llungenlures.com www.thornebros.com www.battlethebeast.com

We are back! Glenn McDonald of 54 or Bust Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Glenn McDonald of 54 or Bust about Canadian fishing up to this point. https://www.youtube.com/c/54orbust www.thornebros.com www.llungenlures.com

Minnesota Opener 2024 Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Brad Hoppe, Ryan McMahon and David Holmes as they talk the up coming Minnesota Musky season. www.llungenlures.com www.muskymayhemtackle.com www.twincitiesmusky.com https://davidholmesguiding.com

Northern Wisconsin Opener and we got the goods Join Gregg Thomas as he speaks with Gus Mantey, Peter Blicharz and Clayton Spiess all from the northwoods and all ready for opener. They talk patterns, tactics and what they expect to happen this weekend. www.llungenlures.com https://www.facebook.com/redoctoberbait https://sugsfishing.com https:/